How Luceo Works

How-To Video Library

All of Luceo's How-To videos on one page. If you prefer detailed written walkthroughs with images, check out Luceo's Solutions Center!

Visit Solutions Center →



Learn It All!

Want to get a good sense of the power of LUCEO? Watch these.


1st Steps

You've got your account activated and now are wondering what to do first?


Adding Users

Ready to invite your team? Set up accounts for all your coaches & players! 


Assist Overview

Learn what you can do with Assist's toolbar and custom settings.


Animation Playback

Every user can customize & control animations to fit their needs!


Luceo Play Drawing

Get the basics for drawing your first animated play with Luceo!


Drawing Shapes & Text

Add shapes & text to help explain drills, defense, and more!


Digital Whiteboard

Drawing plays in a huddle or meeting? Use these modes to make it easy for people to follow along!


Drawing Settings

Customize your drawing experience using different modes & settings.


Luceo During TimeOuts

Using Assist during games helps players understand what to do after timeouts! Watch all the different ways how!


NBATV Feature

Watch Alvin Gentry & Nate Bubes show how they used the original version of Assist during the pandemic on NBATV!


Add Video From Computers

Upload videos, pdfs and more from your computer to Luceo concepts using!


Add Video From Phones

Upload videos, pdfs, pictures and more from your mobile device's camera, photo reel or files.


Share Things into Luceo

Use your phone's Share To feature to save & embed social media posts and other content into Luceo!


Customize Asset Details

Choose which asset shows up in the primary spot, set asset labels and what automatically downloads.


PiP Voice Over Videos

Use Coaching Moments to record yourself teaching concepts by drawing on video & animations.


Example Playbook Install

Coach Diemer used Coaching Moments to make this install video using concepts in his Luceo library.


Create Brain Games

Brain Games are easy to setup by adding concepts from your library into a Memory Game chapter.


Terminology Games

How to set up Team Terminology games to keep everyone speaking the same language!


Recognition Games

Games to test recognition for everything from Shot Selection to Defensive Coverages.


Responsibility Games

Games that test your knowledge of where to set up and what actions to run in a play.


Create Game Plans

Professional teams can use the Game Plan editor to create templated reports.


Logging Sessions

Use the Sessions app to track all of your player development activities!


Customize Sessions

You can customize everything about Sessions to track what you care about.


Cloning (Copying) Concepts

Sometimes you want to copy a play or concept to get a head start on making small changes or variations.


Moving (Managing) Concepts

Sometimes you want a concept to show up in multiple places and be able to update it from anywhere.


Share Links via Assist

Send a link to any person with an account on your team. Links open right to the concept you share!


Print Playbook PDFs

Quickly create playbook pdfs out of your library. Customize the look with tons of print options!


Ready to do this?

You can be teaching your team in a matter of minutes.


Get Started →